Colours Tutorial #7: Warm And Cool Color Tonality
This is the last tutorial of Colours playlist. This is a fun colour tonality tutorial where squares have dark and bright centres. Dark centre means it has depth and you see it in distance and bright centre is closer to you which is outstanding. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.
Colours Tutorial #6: Light And Shadow
We are getting closer to the end of Colours playlist. This tutorial helps you to understand “light” and “dark” colours and their texture on objects. Each shade been created by grey tones. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.
Colours Tutorial #3: Colour Tonality With Kurecolor And Touch Twin Markers
First and third row been created with Kurecolor markers and middle colours are with Touch Twin markers. This tutorial is just another demonstration of making Colour Tonality. It has been highly requested that I should use 2 types of markers and various colours. Just another video to show, how you can practice making shades of colours the way you really like. It is like magic, try! Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.
Colours Tutorial #2: Colour Tonality
In this tutorial Colour Tonality is created by using various shades of grey + colours. Use Rendering techniques to make a sketch, extra creative. Always use mix of colours to create a “shade” needed. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.
Touch Twin Markers Tutorial #3: Textured Buildings In Perspective View
In previous tutorial various movements and techniques were demonstrated. In this tutorial lets practice what we learned on buildings. Adding rendering techniques and perspective view on one piece of sketch, can be so effective. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.
Touch Twin Markers Tutorial #2 : Material Texture
There are 3 main sections in this tutorial. The first 3 boxes are all about how to use various colours in Touch Twin Markers and black ink pens together. Second 3 boxes are about how to use various thickness of markers and the last 3 boxes next to each other are about using light and dark colours and lines. Sketching texture of materials can be easy and creativity can be easier by using these techniques. Happy learning!
Touch Twin Markers Tutorial #1 : Textured Effects
This is the very first tutorial of Colours playlist. It is very important to understand the effect of various colours and the design tool you use to create the effect with. Please watch the full video to understand the effect of markers on various surfaces such as Wet surface or Dry surface. Good luck!