
Drawing With Surface Book 2 #17: 3 powerful ways to love yourself

My elevation view drawing of a building and 3 powerful ways I learned to love myself. This inspirational video will cover the process of the building drawing, spatial drawing, and why I believe having “me time” for yourself is very important. Hope you enjoy!


Drawing With Surface Book 2 #16: Face Your Fears

My very first Halloween version of videos on Youtube. It is amazing how far I understand myself now and understand my own wants as soon as face my fears. I learned that fear can be controlled when you understand your wants in life. Do you know who you really are? Do you know what are your wants in life?


Drawing With Surface Book 2 #13: A Room And Our Mental Health

This might sound very simple but I learned that it is very important to know your everyday living space can have a big impact on your mental health. One of the main places we all live in is our house. Depending on which room in your house you spend the most of your time in, the colours, views, decoration and the overall area can make you feel free, relax and pumped or can trigger you to feel down, depressed or sad. This video shows just very few little elements where you can use to make sure your house is welcoming you when you enter in.
Tips (What worked for me the most): what works for me personally is unrestricted spaces where I feel more relaxed and happy. I think better in open with multi entries spaces.


Drawing Plans #1: Walking Meditation Experience

This is the very first video of Plan Drawings where I have really missed drawing plans and want to make a playlist. Last weekend me and husband went for a walk and meditated while walking. It was amazing and I thought why not show you things I experienced while walking in one of the beautiful areas close to my apartment. Share with me things you have experienced in your walking meditation 🙂


Drawing With Surface Book 2 #12: I got inspired by Oprah Winfrey’s life

Facts that I learned reading about Oprah Winfrey’s life
2:24 – Fact 1 – I learned “Hope” has power.
3:04 – Fact 2 – I learned there are millions of ways to “God”.
3:39 – Fact 3 – I learned that “Happiness/Joy” is a choice.
4:41 – Fact 4 – I learned to align my “world/life” with my purpose.

What are the facts that you learned about her which made you “thinking” or kind of changed your life :)?



Drawing With Surface Book 2 #10: Meaning Of (Sky’s The Limit) To Me

I have been thinking about this for a while that what does “Sky’s The Limit” actually means? This gave me an inspiration to draw with a “message” and demonstrate some of the meanings of “Sky” to me.

Freedom: Sky demonstrates freedom, where you need to know what “present” have for you and what “future” can bring for you. Knowing the answers can make you feel “free”. This can happen by daily work and doing the right thing!

Reminds your “Past”: As Sky looks kind of the same in all the days of our life (no matter if you have good or bad day), it can actually reminds you, your past. Where for example you have surrounded yourself with the right people at the right time.

Sky has NO Boundaries: This for me is like our mind, where there is truly no boundaries at all! We need to be mindful about our thoughts, what comes in or what “We” put in to our mind.

Believing in yourself: The fact that you need to move your head “up” to see the sky (of-course depends on your physical situation if you are standing, lying down etc) reminds me to “chin up” and keep living the life of “kindness and love”.


Building Sketching Tutorial #9 : Facade Entries

Is there any guideline for designing facade entries? To be honest with you I have no idea! But I like to see a mix of classic and modern design elements when entering an area or a space. Sometimes classic elements of a building which is use of repetition on a shape and use of horizontal and vertical shapes can make an facade entry very welcoming. What do you think? What do you think the entry of this building will take you to? Or what type of activity this building/ space will have? Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Drawing Of A Building – St. Mary’s Cathedral

Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Drawing With Surface Book 2 Tutorial #8: Experimenting SketchBook Software – Wavy Lines In Landscape

This is my very first experience of using SketchBook software on Surface Book 2. As you may know by now, previous 7 tutorials been experimented with Sketchable software and there have been some perfect and some not so “perfect” experiences. (Please visit video #4 for not so “perfect” experience here: Drawing With Surface Book 2 Tutorial #4: Two Hours Use Of This Computer – A Building Entrance https://youtu.be/0KNcmg7SRs0 ) I am still new experimenting but the very big difference between Sketchable and SketchBook softwares is the multi-touch support where I can use my fingers to pan, zoom move etc! on SketchBook BUT, angle was VERY sensitive in SketchBook where if I am trying to put the angle on 0 it would be so hard to take my fingers off the screen because as soon as I would, it would move to -1,-2 or 1. Please let me know in comments if you have the same problem.

Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Black And White Drawing – Queen’s Square

Did you know Hyde park barracks constructed by convict labour, designed by Francis Greenway. Shading is the key on black and white drawings. Watch to the end of this video to see how shading can help your drawings stand out on a black paper.

Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Building Sketching Tutorial #8 : Symmetrical Shapes

Symmetrical shapes are very powerful and popular in building/ facade design. These shapes create welcoming atmosphere and gives people direction to where or which way to walk in to a building. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Drawing Of A Building – Sydney Hospital

The oldest hospital in Australia is the Sydney hospital which is located on 8 Macquarie St. I really like the use of repetition of forms, lines and shapes on this building. What do you like about this building? Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality. Coming up next: Colour Tonality – Warm Tone


Drawing With Surface Book 2 Tutorial #7: Bird’s Eye View Drawing – Hotel

The symmetry created in the volume and its reflection in the water resulted in the replication of a single form. This form is in U shape. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Colours Tutorial #6: Light And Shadow

We are getting closer to the end of Colours playlist. This tutorial helps you to understand “light” and “dark” colours and their texture on objects. Each shade been created by grey tones. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Faber Castell Damp Paper Rendering Technique – Deutsche Bank Place

Did you know that the step-down roof allows light to reach the south-eastern side of this building? cool design! Faber Castell pencils are ideally suited to be used on wet watercolour papers, which makes the colour spread even more; That means more intense colour. It is one very easy technique where you can experiment with shading and colour layering. I had fun experimenting this technique and can not wait for the last technique with these colour pencils which is “Using a spray bottle!!” Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Drawing With Surface Book 2 Tutorial #6: Building Design

Use your imagination, skills and your design tools to create space. In this video I tried to think of “fun” spaces or maybe what kind of a building could be a “family centre” building. The combination use of forms, inside and out areas (atmosphere) can be a good way to spend time with family and have fun with kids. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Colours Tutorial #5: Orange And Blue Colour Tonalities

Depending on what side of an object is on direct position of light, dark and light sides of an object can be created. Please watch to the end to get an idea of shading, colour tonalities and the combination of two. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Drawing With Surface Book 2 Tutorial #5: Commercial Travellers Building Drawing Of Martin Place

I am getting more comfortable using Sketchable application and Surface book 2 design tools. This drawing was fun and I enjoyed shading some parts in various colours, using drop colour at the right hand side of the application to re-use any colour I used through this drawing. This is getting more exciting and fun, I might experiment with other applications as some of you requested. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Drawing With Surface Book 2 Tutorial #4: Two Hours Use Of This Computer – A Building Entrance

2:07 Blooper
This is a quick tutorial of a building entrance where we are looking at the building in perspective view. Using various forms to create this entrance was fun and easy to draw. Also while I was drawing I realised the surface of my computer was hot and actually slow connection with tip of the pen. This means when you draw or work with this computer for hours, you might experience same error as I experienced in this video. Not sure if this can be fixed or normal. Also remember that I am not searching or looking at any surface book 2 tutorials so all these videos are my honest and crystal clear feedback and experience. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Drawing With Surface Book 2 Tutorial #3: Experimenting With Microsoft Surface Rendering Tools – Phillip Street

My first rendering experience with surface book 2, of course it is so enjoyable but at the same time I challenged my self and did not look any tutorials. I did not have any idea how to use rendering techniques, that is why I did not even know the easiest tools such as “zoom in” and “moving” the paper. Before starting this drawing I found the “hand” on left hand side of the Sketchable software, it is helping me so much. I can easily move and pan the paper with that tool. I really like the rendering tools on this computer because there are many options here to choose from and very easy to use. I am still learning about the movement and size of pen tip while rendering. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Faber Castell Pitt Pastel Pencil – Governor Phillip Tower

Drawing on black paper can be challenging. As soon as I put a dot on it, it stands out and actually the white part becomes so bold on black background. I believe drawing on black papers gives confidence and power to sketchers. I always feel proud and happy after finishing my sketches on this sketch pad. Try and let me know how you feel 🙂 Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Drawing With Surface Book 2 Tutorial #2: Draw Cubic House With H Pen Tip

This is my second attempt of using surface book 2 design tools. Straight after this sketch I asked my self: ” will I go back to normal paper and pen again?” It is very quick to undo, erase, redraw and actually very soft to draw on! As you all know by now I love drawing and I love drawing houses, so I thought why not give it a go with surface book 2! This was my first attempt of drawing not experimenting so it took me 3 papers (on surface book 2) to be able to draw this. The reason why it took me longer than normal paper is because the movement of the pen on surface book 2 is so slippery and very different with pen and texture of papers. I had to control the movement of my hand. I am LOVING this new experience! Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Building Sketching Tutorial #7 : Draw With Vertical And Horizontal Surfaces

Drawing with vertical and horizontal surfaces gives you many chances. You do not have to think much, where and how to draw them just randomly draw these surfaces until you can see depth and form of a building. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Drawing With Surface Book 2 Tutorial #1: Experimenting With Microsoft Surface Design Tools

This is my very first time working with Microsoft Surface design tools. In this video you can see and feel how these tools are working and how helpful they can be. I tried various line types and some hatching techniques such as cross hatching.
I am loving these tools and want to see how far I can go with them to actually sketch some views or maybe buildings? Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


New York – 1000 Dot to Dot Sketch

Watch more of 1000 Dot to Dot Sketches here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL44_apMWYKufTisnWjvUyFYmrWdECmSEt

Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Colours Tutorial #3: Colour Tonality With Kurecolor And Touch Twin Markers

First and third row been created with Kurecolor markers and middle colours are with Touch Twin markers. This tutorial is just another demonstration of making Colour Tonality. It has been highly requested that I should use 2 types of markers and various colours. Just another video to show, how you can practice making shades of colours the way you really like. It is like magic, try! 😉 Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Uni Pin Fine Line Pen – Art Gallery Of New South Wales

Quick and sketchy look of Art Gallery Of New South Wales. Using only one type of pen and trying to sketch quickly. In this tutorial you can see some parts are not matching other parts or even the name of the building is not fully neat and not on straight line, you asked about this and I am trying to show you that mistakes are totally OKAY, you just need to keep continue with your sketch and at the end you will see that you did good 🙂 Happy sketching. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Building Sketching Tutorial #6 : Concrete House

Concrete has very simple but unique texture. Use floating shapes in various directions to design outstanding modern villas. In this tutorial you can see and understand how to outline the building and then give it a sketchy look. If you are not confident to draw without ruler then use ruler, nothing is wrong with that 🙂 Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Colours Tutorial #2: Colour Tonality

In this tutorial Colour Tonality is created by using various shades of grey + colours. Use Rendering techniques to make a sketch, extra creative. Always use mix of colours to create a “shade” needed. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Pen Drawing – Government House

Government House is constructed between 1837-1843. The home of the governor of NSW has been drawn in perspective and in detail. I used various colours to create depth. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Building Sketching Tutorial #5 : Architectural Spaces

Shapes have volumes and they create unique interior experiences. Mixing various shapes in architectural spaces is smart. These spaces are new and they bring excitement into houses. Looking at same tree or view from various atmosphere but in one place is fascinating. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Colours Tutorial #1: Intensity Of Colours

Understanding colours can help us to choose them carefully. Colours have hue and tones. Pure colours have their own names such as red, yellow or blue but as soon as we add other colours to them thats how magic happens. Play with colours and comment your discovery process. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Venice – 1000 Dot to Dot Sketch

Watch more of 1000 Dot to Dot Sketches here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL44_apMWYKufTisnWjvUyFYmrWdECmSEt
I got to the point that he appeared in my sketch and that made me excited! Watch to the end to see what I mean. Have fun! Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


STAEDTLER Pen Drawing – Sydney Opera House

Sydney Opera House is one of the most amazing places in Australia. I am lucky because I am living in Sydney where I can visit this place whenever I want to. Drawing Sydney Opera House with Staedtler pens gave me the opportunity to experience the design and its characteristics. I recommend to all drawing lovers to draw their favourite places, these kind of drawings can help us understand the process of designers or sometimes some secrets, such as number of layers or moving process through or around buildings/places. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Building Sketching Tutorial #4 : Mountain House

In these Building Sketching Tutorials I am quick and bringing my way of “thinking” of techniques and buildings on to paper. In fact in these tutorials we are trying to demonstrate how we should “think” and transfer our ideas to paper. There is no right or wrong way as we each have unique ways so feel free and be excited. Draw, Draw and Draw! Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Touch Twin Markers Tutorial #3: Textured Buildings In Perspective View

In previous tutorial various movements and techniques were demonstrated. In this tutorial lets practice what we learned on buildings. Adding rendering techniques and perspective view on one piece of sketch, can be so effective. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Challenge #4: Sharpie Drawing Of Sydney Conservatorium Of Music

This challenge was SO requested and I did my best. I was not comfortable using Sharpie markers at all and did not know what to do actually. While I was drawing this I did not like it until I got to the end and added depth and some fun circles around which made me more happy about this drawing. Still not sure how I could improve it? Any idea? Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Building Sketching Tutorial #3 : Modern Building Design

In this tutorial I tried my best to show you how sketchers make mistakes while sketching. It is always totally ok and fine to make mistakes and use your rubber to take it off the paper or even sometimes a mistake can become part of your drawing. If you are someone with many mistakes while drawing, it means you are so skilled and can see them, so keep going and have fun while drawing. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


HB Pencil Drawing – Customs House

This drawing is all about repetition of lines and shapes. Sometimes you need to make time for what you draw but if you love drawing, time passes so quick! Enjoy and as always have fun drawing. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Building Sketching Tutorial #2 : Villa House

This tutorial is all about presentation of a villa house. Watch to the end to understand all the detailing on windows and corners. With these details you can communicate with interior atmosphere as well as exterior. Have fun learning! Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Touch Twin Markers Tutorial #2 : Material Texture

There are 3 main sections in this tutorial. The first 3 boxes are all about how to use various colours in Touch Twin Markers and black ink pens together. Second 3 boxes are about how to use various thickness of markers and the last 3 boxes next to each other are about using light and dark colours and lines. Sketching texture of materials can be easy and creativity can be easier by using these techniques. Happy learning! Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Drawing Tools – Australia Square

In this tutorial I have used various drawing tools to demonstrate colours, depth and shadows. Sometimes it is a good idea to use mix of your drawing tools together as they have different effect from each other. For example using ink pen helped me to outline and shade main parts of Australia Square and the watercolour pencil added hint of the city atmosphere and of course the brush at the end soften the colours to blend it to the background. How have you used your drawing tools and why? Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Building Sketching Tutorial #1 : A Building Through Trees (Perspective)

Various shapes and forms can help us to sketch interesting forms of buildings. In this tutorial, the repetition of shapes and shading techniques helps the viewer to understand the depth of the Perspective drawing. Also it is always a great touch/ idea to sketch trees around buildings where they will emphasise the viewer to look through trees to see the sketched building! Great view! Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Clutch Pencil Drawing – Burns Philip Company

In this tutorial you only see one design tool which is Zebra Drafix Clutch Pencil. This been highly requested and improves to you all that you do not need many tools to sketch! Just a clutch pencil can go all the way. Demonstrating details and depth by detailing and shading. This shipping company been built in 1901. It is located in Sydney city in Bridge street. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Draw Plan View Using Black Paper

You do not have to use white paper all the time, there are many sketch papers available which gives your sketch tools wings! Try them all and find the best for your skills. This video demonstrates use of 2 white Faber-Castell pencils. Watch the video to understand the difference between them, one is soft textured and the other is medium. Have fun! Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Abstract Texture Lesson #17: Transparent Objects

https://www.designnconstruction.com/?media_dl=1699 Download this file to experiment with your own markers and share with us through Instagram #designnconstruction or #yasamindnc By leaving some parts of objects white and showing shadows and reflections, you can demonstrate transparent textures. It is important to understand colours and use of wet and dry markers. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Building Sketch Tutorial – Kent Street

This is a quick and short video showing you how easy and quickly you can sketch a building using only 1 blue ink pen. Sometimes using one colour and few hatching techniques can create a simple idea which will help you work on your concept. Trust your inner skills and just draw! Have fun. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


How To Draw Open, Semi Open And Closed Spaces

Learn how to sketch plan while working on Open, Semi Open and Closed Spaces. Remember that you can always choose an area in your plan which have direction to each of spaces such as rooms and even outdoor areas. For example the green area in the middle has all the direction around it where you can walk around or walk to. Note that there is only 2 colours been used here which demonstrates you do not need many detailing or colours to make your sketch plans or conceptual plans amazing! We all have our own unique way of sketching, so trust your self and decisions and just DRAW! Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Abstract Texture Lesson #16: Wood Texture On Furniture

The purpose of this tutorial is to demonstrate Wood Texture on furnitures. It is really important to first practice various wooden textures then concentrate on real furnitures to show off your skill !! Try to use as many drawing tool possible to show the rough and uneven texture of wood. Have fun and good luck! Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


How To Draw Building Sketch – Sydney Observatory

For more videos of Buildings in Sydney click here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL44_apMWYKucSW7gqgpKpt-5Z6RuRNoPt
Did you know that there was first a windmill here above the first settlement? The site evolved into a fort then into Sydney Observatory which is now a museum because the light pollution from the city is too strong! I used these colours to experiment sketching for kids! I have been requested to draw for kids either and would like to know any suggestion and opinion you might have for me! Appreciated. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


How To Draw Plan With Pencil

For more Plan views please click here: https://youtu.be/GBovaoEjOj8
Demonstration of Faber-Castell eraser and H pencils plus step by step drawing of a floor plan view. In this tutorial you will learn and understand the difference between various H pencils and it takes only your imagination or great “mistakes” that leads you to exciting shapes for floor plans. Don’t just use typical shapes for your plan view, try reshaping and vertical/ horizontal lines to create your unique shapes. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Abstract Texture Lesson #15: Glass And Transparent Like Textures

To create a sense of Transparency and reflection of the Glass Textures, before the first marker layer is dry please apply second layer on top of it. Have fun! Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


How To Draw With Pencil – Museum Of Contemporary Art

Have my drawing on your favourite items, BUY HERE: https://society6.com/designnconstruction
For more Pencil videos click here: https://youtu.be/IKajl1hIQj8 https://youtu.be/4cIqKvwEgfg
Use various types of pencils to draw and later you will be able to ink in your sketch or add colours, but it is important that you become comfortable with pencils. Remember every one can draw, if you can see you can draw. Observe and draw. Have an amazing day! Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Berlin – 1000 Dot to Dot Sketch

Love this Dot to Dot Sketch as it is in perspective, So beautiful! Every one can draw! Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Abstract Texture Lesson #14: Light Direction on Glass, Concrete and Wood Texture

There are 2 sides for each of these textures. The side that is in direction of the sun is lighter and the other side is darker. You can even leave some parts of the paper white to demonstrate light. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Challenge #3: Drawing Objects For The First Time

This is my very first time trying to sketch objects!! The reason why I chose to try this:
1) I was looking at some catalogues and I saw this amazing texture behind these objects and I fell in love
2) Recently I found this girl on Instagram Amara Strand! OMG its amazing how she draws food and cakes! check out her Instagram page and show her some love, she really deserves it. (I tried the small cake, of course I am not good as her but please comment below your thoughts, what do you think? How are my objects and cake? ) Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Abstract Texture Lesson #13: Texture In Various Environments 2

Wood, Stone, Roof and Brick textures in various environments. Please pay attention to details as this video will help you to understand the following Abstract Texture videos. There will be glass and transparent surfaces available either. Always have fun! Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


How To Draw Messy – George Street

Have you ever wondered how to draw messy? Just as messy as possible? It is so fun and actually wired. I remember I was so much better in this when I first began drawing many years ago but now I am controlling my self of what I see and the way I move my hand! I believe sometimes, it is great to forget what you know about sketching and just Sketch. I tried my best to be messy, I had so much fun. Try and let me know how you feel. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Incomplete sketches – Let’s complete two of my sketches

Found these 2 incomplete sketches, watch me complete them with you. Please feel free to comment if you have suggestion of me showing you more of my incomplete sketches. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.



How to sketch a Marble Kitchen tutorial

In this tutorial you learn about Marble texture and how to use layers of Cool grey Touch twin markers. You need time, passion, love and excitement to be able to re-create this and we would be over to moon to be able to see your creation. Please share it with us. This is our creation and we are proud. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Abstract Texture Lesson #12: Texture in various environments 1

We have been working on many Textures together, but lets try use them in various environments and see how they look? What do you all think? I actually really enjoyed sketching this drawing. But I think the sky in 3rd example could be lighter so the Facade would stand out more? Agree with me? Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Purple drawing – The Rocks

What is your favourite colour? You asked me and I decided to let you know in this sketch! My favourite colour is Purple. I used few of my design tools which are purple and recoloured/ shaded this sketch. The Australian Steam Navigation Company (ASN Co) was a shipping company of Australia which operated between 1839 and 1887. The rocks – Sydney. Goods were stored here until importers paid the duty on them. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Sagrada Familia – 1000 Dot to Dot Sketch

Another 1000 Dot to Dot Sketch which took me longer to do compare to the first one I did. I will be doing these types of sketches once a month as they help me so much to relax. Definitely recommend them. Happy sketching!

Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Abstract Texture Lesson 11: Rendering windows in four ways

Here is 4 ways of rendering a window/glass in your sketches. It is important that you observe windows around you. Frames around the windows make shadows on glass so you can use darker markers to emphasise this. Happy learning!

Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.


Sydney Harbour Bridge – Shading

Happy Australian Day everyone! For my subscribers who are not from Australia, today is Australian Day and why not try to sketch one of the iconic parts as Sydney Harbour Bridge! In this tutorial you understand the importance of shading and holding pencil. Remember to be comfortable and just shade any part you want and leave some for later! By no time, you will realise how creative you are. Trust me!

Did you know Sydney Harbour Bridge??!!
– was designed and built by British firm Norman Long&co
– had 16 workers died during its construction
– has a steel through arch bridge nicknamed “The coat hanger”
– has 79% of the steel imported from England
– is held together by 6 million Australian-made rivets
– is 504m by 134m


Faber Castell Colour Pencils Watercolour Effects Technique

This is the forth technique been used to demonstrate the use of Faber Castell Colour Pencils. This tutorial is all about having fun and being creative. Sketch has been done, rendering is done but why not adding more effects by using water? Work on a drawing with a wet paintbrush for water-colour effects. But do not dip the pencil into water! There is only 2 more effects to go and they are supper exciting, 1) Drawing on damp paper 2) Using a spray bottle
Stay tuned!!


Abstract Texture Lesson 10: Four Ways of Wood Texture

After 9 lessons in understanding textures, now its time to move to “real” ways or techniques you can use to demonstrate them. In this tutorial you learn about use of line, spots of colours, use of markers and shapes. Remember there is no wrong way, use any of this techniques or ways in your sketches and you will be amazed. My favourite is the last technique which is very abstract using shapes to demonstrate wood texture. Happy learning!


Acropolis of Athens – 1000 Dot to Dot Sketch

You asked more dot-to-dot sketches and we decided this. AMAZING! Of course it is 1000 dots but why not? Designers do need some time to sit down, relax and have some guidance while sketching and doing this dot-to-dot sketch did make me feel calm. It actually took me to that building and made me to imagine the look of this ancient facade. How do you get comfortable doing these dot-to-dot exercises? it is very simple. 1) always have colour coded numbers, for example decide a colour for every 100 number. 2) every few minutes take your hands of the paper and look at the sketch, this will help you understand where and how you are doing. 3) mistakes? totally okay, use correction pens and do not forget to, enjoy while sketching!!


Abstract Texture Lesson 9: Two Techniques of Mapping Wood Texture

In this video you understand the difference between white and black surface where you need to sketch wood texture. How? it is simple and easy and each will have their own affect.


Challenge #2: Sketch Curved Buildings using only 01 UniPin Ink Pen

In this tutorial you will learn how to sketch curved buildings and multi-directional archways using only 01 UniPin ink pen. It is always very hard to sketch with no line weights but why not try finding ways of how to sketch if we only have 1 pen left and nothing else?! The secret is which parts should be rendered to emphasise depth in your sketch. Sit back and relax, watch this video to the end to understand and learn each step. Happy Learning!


Challenge #1: Waterproof Ink on Greaseproof Paper

How to Render on Greaseproof paper? As you, my clients requested some “Challenge” and “Fun” videos, Design N’ Construction decided to upload this quick video to show you how you can use Greaseproof instead of Tracing paper! Greaseproof papers are very light and thin and it is very hard to use Water and Fade proof Ink on it as it is very hard to see! On the other hand, Tracing papers are great for sketching and of course rendering and as they are thicker can hold and show your rendering in a clear/better way! But why not challenge our self and see what we can do and HOW? What is the secret in this video? The secret is to use your Ink pen in “various angles” while rendering, this way you are able to render and of course Greaseproof papers are cheaper option of Tracing papers!


Abstract Texture Lesson 8: Various types of Stone Texture in Perspective 

This is the short version and quicker steps showing how to apply various types of Stone texture in perspective. You can practice and use this technique for other textures such as wood either. Happy learning!


How to Sketch a Landscape Tutorial 

This is another Landscape tutorial that is highly requested! Always try to sketch major elements in your sketch then move to minor objects such as the background, trees or greens. We highly recommend that you watch the Multi Point Perspective playlist in our channel to understand the concept of using Perspective. Good Luck!


Abstract Texture Lesson 7: Crushed River Stone Texture in Perspective 

As this specific texture was highly requested, Design N’ Construction provided this video again in 3 easy steps where you can see the difference between a River stone texture and Crushed river stone texture. Please give all your attention to the video as it will help you to understand and learn the difference between textures and the way it is shown in Perspective view. Good Luck!


Landscape Sketch using Multi Point Perspective 

While we are learning about Multi Point Perspective, it is great to know this type of Perspective is a good approach that can be used in sketching Landscapes and sceneries. Also choosing Dense Colour technique with Faber-Castell colour pencils to do rendering for this type of view/sketch is a smart move. Happy Learning!


Faber Castell Colour Pencils Rendering Technique 

In this conceptual sketch tutorial you learn how to use Faber Castell colour pencils to render in define technique using Light to Dark colours. Pay attention to chosen colours and mixture of one colour with another. Light colours are translucent, dark colours opaque. One colour on top of another increases the intensity and brings the colours to life. There are more techniques such as Dense colour, Watercolour effects, Drawing on damp paper and Using a spray bottle. There will be more tutorials to demonstrate each and every technique.


Abstract Texture Lesson 6: River Stone Texture in Perspective 

3 steps that will teach you how a texture is used and shown in perspective view. There will be more materials such as Crushed stone river, Stone and Wood in future tutorials. Stay tuned!


How to Draw a Town in Perspective Tutorial 

Now that we have practiced some urban sketches and few types of perspective sketches, why not sketch a Town in perspective? You can use similar techniques and options to start and of-course any tools to render your town. In this tutorial Pen rendering been demonstrated to show you how by leaving out some parts in your sketch, they actually do stand out more and this gives depth to your drawing. Sit back, Relax and Enjoy!


Exterior Design of a House and Rendering Techniques 

There are many sketching tools available where you can use to render an exterior design of a modern house. But did you know there are few ways to use Faber-Castell colour pencils?And it is so fun and easy? In this tutorial you learn how to hold these Soft-Grip-Zone pencils in various positions, to create a smooth finish or highlight paper’s structure. There will be more techniques in following tutorials where light and dark colours are used together. Have fun!


Abstract Texture Lesson 5: Mat Texture in Perspective 

This is the first tutorial in abstract texture playlist where we learn about textures in perspective. 3 steps that will teach you how a texture is used and shown in this view. There will be more materials in future tutorials. Stay tuned!


Urban Sketching Techniques 

Using boxes in perspective? YES!! Use boxes to help you sketch an urban view and create different levels. In this tutorial you can clearly see how the rendering process changes the depth in your sketch. Making a good impact and adding accents to a finished piece is the key. Remember that you don’t have to use same tools, you can even use hatching techniques and inked pen to create this atmosphere. Good luck


from Garage Entrance to a Modern House using only IKEA pencil 

From a Garage to a great design of a modern house. You do not have to use expensive or high quality sketching tools to create nice concepts or sketches, of course known brands are great to use when designing but remember if you have the knowledge of sketching and know the techniques you can use simple and even only one pencil to do your sketch. Happy Learning!


Abstract Texture Lesson 4: Bamboo or Russian Wood 

In this tutorial we reminded you about how to sketch and render texture of Wood and then specifically demonstrated the texture of Bamboo or Russian Wood.


How to Draw 3 Gardens, 3 Eye Levels using Same Multi Point Perspective 

This Tutorial demonstrates how you can use the Same Multi Point Perspective composition but sketch 3 various Garden design. Also pay attention to the Scale and Proportion of objects in each sketch as first sketch demonstrates the Adult Eye Level, second sketch demonstrates Chile’s Eye Level and the last sketch demonstrates Smaller child’s Eye Level. Using Faber Castell colour pencils was also fun, there are few ways you can use this 24 colours. 1) Light to dark 2) Dense colour if holding vertical 3) Water colour effects (which been used in this tutorial) 4) Drawing on damp paper


A Multi-residential House by Bowie Architecture 

Another Dot to Dot sketch which demonstrates the characteristics of a modern house. It is amazing to spend time, sketching these types of houses as you understand and learn how the designer, architect and the builder worked together. Think of shapes and how it is possible to use various curved edges to design a facade. Have fun!


Abstract Texture Lesson 3: Wood and Brick 

To sketch a texture of Wood, first use your markers to demonstrate colours and then use your other tools to sketch the actual texture it self on top of the coloured surface. And also, in this lesson, learn the detailing in Brick surfaces and how by using few markers, you can add depth to the surface. Good luck!


Where are the Perspective Points in this room? 

Here is the very first lesson of Multi Point Perspective. These types of Perspectives consists of Three or more Vanishing points and Characteristics such as the Horizon line, Vanishing point setting and Eye level. Make sure to watch the full video to understand where are the points and if you could guess correctly. Good luck!!


Unusual Shape of a Window 

Re-designing your space? Think about the windows! Windows do have a strong role of making the Mood, Tone and Excitement of your interior. This tutorial is demonstrating how a deep, unusual shape of a window does add a cosy feeling to a corner of this space. Only one simple Ikea pencil been used to simplify the sketching techniques and mostly asking your attention to understand and feel this interior.


Abstract Texture Lesson 2: Wood, Stone, Brick and Timber 

Now that you understand what Texture does and how you can use various techniques in lesson 1, learn how to sketch various surfaces and how to demonstrate Wood, Stone, Brick and Timber. By practicing you will gain more knowledge about texture and you will use them in your renderings. Good luck!


The 1300 Dot to Dot Sketch 

Cool Dot to Dot sketch of Top Ryde City living apartments by Crown. It is so fun and actually Relaxing to do these types of sketches!! Have you tried before? Comment your thoughts below, Thanks.


Abstract Texture Lesson 1: Hatching, Curves and Spirals Techniques 

This tutorial helps you to understand what is Texture and how you can make a Abstract one! It is the first lesson and will help you to understand and improve your hand skill to sketch more realistic surfaces such as wooden, brick or basically any kind of surface you want to. Stay tuned where there are more lessons coming up in this subject.


How to Draw a Tiny Atypical Perspective 

These Tiny types of sketches take time to draw and it is confusing sometimes But what is cool about this Atypical Perspective is that you will have many mistakes while sketching but they will disappear slowly when you ink in main lines and start rendering. This tutorial challenges you to work with multiple planes. I made it even more challenging for my self to sketch it in a very small size, the size of the sketch is only same as length of a pen!! Good luck and think how you can make your sketching process fun and challenging.


How to Draw Shadows with Pencil 

Have you ever looked at any interior photos and thought what are the unrelated shapes? Sometimes sun creates interesting and beautiful shapes in an interior. In this tutorial you can see the demonstration of a small interior with a big skylight where sun rays are everywhere, one spot becomes darker while the other side of the room might be in sun’s direction. Spending time on your sketch and rendering will give you a good finish for each and every sketch you draw. Always remember to have Fun while sketching.


Shading Tutorial for Beginners 

Learn how to shade with various techniques. It is important to know and understand these techniques as each can be used on various surfaces and of course delivers various effects. Have fun!


How to Draw a Street using Two Point Perspective 

This tutorial demonstrates how you can use simple setting of Two Point Perspective and produce complex compositions. You need more practice for this type of composition where they become simpler and easier each time. Enjoy!


How to get Inspired 

This video demonstrates how we at Design N’ Construction team, get Inspired.Just by looking at the image, we got busy for 5 hours and this video is the small section of the hours we spent together. We as designers, sit together and speak about some projects, and we sketch, make models and talk through our ideas to each other. Our ideas and concept models are simple but we end up with lots of cool and great ideas from them to make real projects in real world. Recommend you to visit our website where our author wrote an article about this and please support them by leaving comment for them in the website, and as always, Thank you!!


Sketch Sunshine Effect in Various Seasons

Fact 1: The length of shadow and its direction varies in different situations, seasons and times of the day
Fact 2: Length of shadow is shorter in afternoons compare to mornings and evenings
In this tutorial, the position of the sun is behind the objects. Pay attention and understand the movement of the sun and how shadows are drawn.


Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End – Destroyed Buildings Tutorial 

Match the Points!! I am sure you know what we are talking about here!! YES the amazing game Uncharted 4. How cool is it? We, at Design N’ Construction play it as a group and follow each steps together, haven’t finished it yet but enjoying it for sure. Have you heard about Aaron Limonick? Concept artist and illustrator who is from Los Angeles. We highly recommend you to google and search about this artist who is very talented and AMAZING!! Take time and try re-sketching destroyed buildings from Uncharted 4. This is another “Match the Points” tutorial where you end up with a fun, interesting sketch. Experience what artists in game industry experiencing. Have Fun.


Garden Sketch Using Two Point Perspective Tutorial 

This is a fun quick sketch giving you a confidence of using two vanishing points for Two Point Perspective sketch. Practicing is always fun. This demonstrates you can sketch any kind of area using perspective principles, Not just a room corner it can be anywhere!! Just remember to use Grid Lines as a guide to draw objects.


Small House Design in Antwerp,Belgium 

This is a fun quick sketch showing how small this house is and by cutting it in 3 elevation layers it does help you to understand how difficult was for designer to work with this small space of 4 meters wide and 12 meters deep. The outcome of this design is a modern inviting house where does look small but it is functional and a relaxing area to live in. Read more about this design : http://www.homedit.com/small-but-invi… Remember to always have fun, try making a puzzle out of your sketch too.


How to Draw Shadows, Front and Plan view of a Rounded Stair 

In this tutorial we show you how to draw Front View and Plan view of a rounded stair and combine this 2 views together on one sketch. The left hand side sketch of the rounded stair in this tutorial is in Isometric Perspective. It is important to learn these techniques as they are great options for presentation for projects or just demonstrating various views of your design. Pay attention to each step and try it your self. Let us know what you want us to sketch?


How to Draw A Two Point Perspective Room 

As requested Design N’ Construction has created this simple Two Point Perspective sketch for beginners who like to learn and understand this rules in depth. In this setting use Two Vanishing Points as reference and as always Practice Practice PRACTICE !!! Good Luck, Have fun while sketching.


What is Design Process? 

How and When Designers use their Design process diary? This is a video where you can see and understand real projects and steps Designers take to Design or approach their ideas. This is a conceptual sketch of a Museum Building and Experiments of Papers such as Tracing paper, Lighting techniques, Scales and more. This is how Designers experiment with their ideas, basically this means how Designers make/sketch something to make what is in their head realistic. Design has its steps and it needs knowledge to become known and practical. Watch this video to learn how to Have process diary, Experiment with your ideas where one idea can become something WONDERFUL. Good Luck !


How to Draw Shadows in Three Views 

Learning about Shadows and Shading and also Isometric Perspective is fun but it is important to learn how to demonstrate Shades in Three Views using one Sketch. Pay attention to the lines crossing from one view to the other.


How to Draw a Complex Room using One Point Perspective 

Using One Point Perspective for more complex sketches, is not an easy task, it needs time, passion and of course practice. It is possible to come up with sketches more complex and interesting, all you need to do is take your time, learn about the basic principles and use them in any view point of interior or any kind of view. Be confident, try out new ways and always trust your judgement as it will get better by practice. Have Fun !


Sketch and Software Videos by Design N’ Construction 

Subscribe to Design N’ Construction Channel for weekly Tutorials on Simple to Professional Sketches and Design/ Engineer Software Tutorials. Appreciate your hand skills and always learn Design Softwares to help you present your Ideas and knowledge to the World.


How to Draw a Modern House with Pool Tutorial 

What is your Dream House like? This is a step by step tutorial of this dream modern house where you can experiment with many design equipments to demonstrate Depth, Colour, Shadows and many more features of nature and the House it self. Take your time, relax and watch this tutorial to understand the importance of Art Markers and various Sketch pen/pencils use.


How to Draw Shadows in Axonometric Perspective 

This tutorial teaches about the Direction of sunlight, the Transition of the light and the Shadow area in Axonometric Perspective. Learning about various types of Perspective is fun also a great knowledge to have as a Designer.


Match the Points, How to Draw A Modern House by Webb & Brown-Neaves 

This is an amazing modern House where nothing is ordinary inside and of course the outside.Use your rendering techniques to demonstrate this matter also, make your sketch fun by matching the points, you will be amazed what appears after matching all of them. Have Fun!


Speed Drawing: How to Sketch with Quality Lines Tutorial 

Step 1: It is always important to trust your judgment while sketching and rendering. Step 2: Watch this video to learn about techniques which will make your sketch stand out (Thickness and Stroke of Lines). Step 3: Quality sketch means Quality techniques.


How to Sketch with Quality Lines Tutorial 

Step 1: It is always important to trust your judgment while sketching and rendering. Step 2: Watch this video to learn about techniques which will make your sketch stand out (Thickness and Stroke of Lines). Step 3: Quality sketch means Quality techniques.


How to Sketch Villa House with Various Surfaces Tutorial 

A House Forever by Longhi Architects. Always make sure, you are feeling comfortable while sketching, if you are still not comfortable to start with ink pen on blank pad, then sketch with sketching pencils and then begin with ink pens and you will be amazed where you end up to. Good Luck!


Draw Shadow of the Skylight on the Roof Slope Tutorial 

Take your time and pay attention to the direction of the light, side view and front view of the skylight and how shadow is transferring from side view to front view.


Draw Split-level Rooms and Art Marker Rendering Tutorial 

Challenge your self and skills, Draw Split-level rooms using single perspective and learn how to Render with Art Markers, where should be darker or lighter. Practice, Practice and Practice again !! Good luck


How to Draw Shadows for Chimney on the Roof Ramp Tutorial 

This Tutorial demonstrates Step by Step of Shadows on Roof Ramp from Front view, Direction of lights and Side view. It is important to Understand the reflection of the shadows are NOT about Plan view however it is related to SIDE view.


Simple One Point Perspective Urbanity Tutorial 

Take your time and watch this tutorial to see how your basic knowledge (simple one point perspective rules) can end up to a top view sketch. Always learn and understands the basic rules of sketching, this way you can illustrate any thing in any view. Good luck!


Step by Step Tutorial, How to Shade a Rounded Room 

It is so complicated to understand Shadows and Shading on every surface but by learning them step by step does help you to understand how they work. Very useful to know these techniques as you will always come across them as a designer, architect or a drafter.


From A Line to A Street Perspective Tutorial 

What a beautiful moment when you only draw a line but at the end you end up with a fully finished realistic Street view.


How to Draw Shadows in Isometric Perspectives with Lyra ColorStripe pencil Tutorial 

Shadows on Isometric Perspectives and Curved surfaces would be the next step to use for sketching more realistic perspectives.


How to Draw Shadows in Two Point Perspective Tutorial with Whiteout Pen 

Now that we learned how shadows work on surfaces we can try to draw them on buildings and more complicated surfaces. Consider the shadows and their angle on the pool, the way they are shaped and reflected on the surface.


How to Draw Shadows on Different Surfaces Tutorial 

4 various surfaces and shadows. This tutorial demonstrates how a shadow can be drawn on a surface which is not flat. Watch and learn to draw shadows on any surface, Enjoy !


Draw Shadows and Reflection Tutorial 

This tutorial teaches you to understand shadows and reflection on various objects and shapes. Depending on the direction of the reflected light and what surface it is reflected on, you can draw shadows.


A Line to Venice Riverside sketch Tutorial 

Venice Tutorial is about how practice can help you to draw more realistic complex sketches. This sketch challenge us to compose more interesting ideas and render confidently.


Draw Perspective of a Factory/Library Building and Plan View Tutorial 

This rendering technique and sketch demonstrates how to create slope; and took 10 minutes to sketch. The plan view on left hand side been sketched to show the entrance and movement inside the building area. This is a good technique to show your clients or teacher what is your idea and its function.


Draw Perspective of Library Building Tutorial 

This is a 7 minutes quick sketch as been requested from our subscriber. This is the very first idea of a building came in mind and of course every final sketch should start with many many sketches and ideas. Mix sketching tools and try to draw as quick as possible and trust your ideas and attempt.


Draw Continuous Technique of a Building Perspective Tutorial 

This Tutorial been sketched in 5 minutes. Design N’ Construction, strongly recommends you to try out this technique while there was step by step techniques to learn from the first videos on this channel. This Tutorial helps you to observe your improvement on Sketching and understanding the difference of lines and techniques. Let us know how long it took you to sketch this in comments down below.


How to Draw an Archway in Perspective Tutorial 

Detailing and straight lines are very important in sketching. This sketch demonstrates step by step of a simple sketch to a unique and beautiful one.


Draw Villa House Tutorial with 4 types of Sketches and Rendering Techniques 

This Villa house been sketched 4 times with 4 different types of sketching and rendering techniques. It is useful to know these techniques so where and how to use them to demonstrate the idea. Get inspired and sketch !!


Draw Interior of Gallery with Pen Rendering Tutorial 

This tutorial demonstrates how using varied pressures of Pencil and Wet ink pen effect the overall look of a sketch. Even a proper sketch paper can change the look. Experiment with different tools and have fun while sketching.


How to Draw a Furnished Room and Render with Art Marker Tutorial 

In this tutorial the start point is from a Chair which expands to a interior of a room. The size and scales of the objects shows the eye level which is in relation to horizon line. Art markers been used carefully to show shadows and where the light angles are from and lastly using pencil rendering technique to give a “soft” effect to the sketch.


Draw Interior Perspective with Line Shading Tutorial 

This tutorial is a room perspective step by step from simple primary elements such as walls, sofa and the painting then the other details such as floor and so on.


Draw Street View with Pen Rendering Tutorial 

This video shows a view of a street with some Pen Rendering to show depth also demonstrating scale by adding people in background.


Multi Point Perspective Drawing 

This video demonstrates the use of multiple point perspective in one sketch. It is possible to use one and two point perspectives together to gain a better or interesting sketch.


Detailed Shop in One Point Perspective with Rendering Tutorial 

This video is about detailed drawing+free hand drawing where they are combined and result in hand rendering in cross hatching and line shading. The position of the light from top, right and left makes some parts of the area dark and some very shiny.


Two Point Perspective Stair Case 


Building Corner in Two Point Perspective 


Objects in One Point Perspective 


Simple One Point Perspective