Proudly Design N’ Construction is the first channel that produced tutorials for how to work as a Telecommunication designers and bring the most common and useful command and techniques of drafting all together here for you.
AutoCAD Tips for Telecommunication 6 : How to reverse a line
It is always important to work quickly while drafting, but why not work in smart way and use the smart commands which AutoCAD offers? This tutorial demonstrates the common mistakes or methods we usually use to reverse a line and also shows how quickly you can use the Reverse command. Enjoy! Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.
AutoCAD Tips for Telecommunication 5 : Embed file with high quality
Did you ever wonder why embedded PDF/ JPEG file into AutoCAD is in low resolution?!!! Or it is referenced and then see the file is missing just because the location of the file is changed?
Watch this video to find out how to embed any type of file with high quality in AutoCAD.
AutoCAD Tips for Telecommunication 4 : Circular Wipeout
We know in Autocad there is no way to type “wipeout” and make a wipe out in any shape you would like.
Here Design N’ Construction will show you how to create a circular wipeout with unplotted colour mask technique.
AutoCAD Tips for Telecommunication 3 : Edit a misplaced block
Sometimes you import/ paste a block from another project and want to modify it, but when you open the block in block editor it is misplaced. This video shows you how to edit a block in place.
AutoCAD Tips for Telecommunication 2 : Properly Scale an Image After Inserting into AutoCAD
After inserting an image in AutoCAD, often time the objects and dimensions will not show their true length. what is the solution ?!!
AutoCAD Tips for Telecommunication 1 : Rotate an Object Based on Direction of Another Object
From now we have Tutorial Videos for Telecommunication based on the most important and useful tips which have to be known by any Telcom Designers/ Drafters.