Drawing With Surface Book 2 #17: 3 powerful ways to love yourself
My elevation view drawing of a building and 3 powerful ways I learned to love myself. This inspirational video will cover the process of the building drawing, spatial drawing, and why I believe having “me time” for yourself is very important. Hope you enjoy! Be sure to subscribe to my channel for more inspirational drawings here: https://www.youtube.com/designnconstruction Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave me comment as I love to read your thoughts.
Drawing With Surface Book 2 #16: Face Your Fears
My very first Halloween version of videos on Youtube. It is amazing how far I understand myself now and understand my own wants as soon as face my fears. I learned that fear can be controlled when you understand your wants in life. Do you know who you really are? Do you know what are your wants in life?
Drawing With Surface Book 2 #12: I got inspired by Oprah Winfrey’s life
Facts that I learned reading about Oprah Winfrey’s life
2:24 – Fact 1 – I learned “Hope” has power.
3:04 – Fact 2 – I learned there are millions of ways to “God”.
3:39 – Fact 3 – I learned that “Happiness/Joy” is a choice.
4:41 – Fact 4 – I learned to align my “world/life” with my purpose.
What are the facts that you learned about her which made you “thinking” or kind of changed your life :)?
Drawing With Surface Book 2 #10: Meaning Of (Sky’s The Limit) To Me
I have been thinking about this for a while that what does “Sky’s The Limit” actually means? This gave me an inspiration to draw with a “message” and demonstrate some of the meanings of “Sky” to me. Freedom: Sky demonstrates freedom, where you need to know what “present” have for you and what “future” can bring for you. Knowing the answers can make you feel “free”. This can happen by daily work and doing the right thing! Reminds your “Past”: As Sky looks kind of the same in all the days of our life (no matter if you have good or bad day), it can actually reminds you, your past. Where for example you have surrounded yourself with the right people at the right time. Sky has NO Boundaries: This for me is like our mind, where there is truly no boundaries at all! We need to be mindful about our thoughts, what comes in or what “We” put in to our mind. Believing in yourself: The fact that you need to move your head “up” to see the sky (of-course depends on your physical situation if you are standing, lying down etc) reminds me to “chin up” and keep living the life of “kindness and love”.
Drawing With Surface Book 2 #9: Mix Of The Grace Hotel And Sydney Tower
What I like about The Grace Hotel is that it sits in corner of a street and has repetitive elements in its facade design. I drew the very top part of Sydney Tower on all top parts (Roof) of this hotel. The reason: As this hotel sits in the corner of the street, it has an amazing 3D view of the city. They offer a “romance night out” in their website and I believe if they had VIP rooms at the very top of their hotel, they could be one of the most coolest romance getaways of Sydney city What are you opinions? and do you know any cool romance night outs in Sydney? If yes please let me know!!
Building Sketching #10 : My Quick Anxiety Meditation
Did you know Nature has its own powerful ways to help you with your Anxiety? Spending time out in nature, looking at water, sky, greens and even listening to nature can help your mental health (well that has been my own experience). By now you all know I love meditation and I love to have my “me” time. One of the main reasons of Design N’ Construction youtube channel existence is actually me meditating (drawing). I usually spend time in nature with people who I love; and I though why not share the same with you people (my subscribers) as I love your time and support with my channel Let me know ways you help your inner health and also let me know if you have experienced the same as me with Nature.
Building Sketching Tutorial #9 : Facade Entries
Is there any guideline for designing facade entries? To be honest with you I have no idea! But I like to see a mix of classic and modern design elements when entering an area or a space. Sometimes classic elements of a building which is use of repetition on a shape and use of horizontal and vertical shapes can make an facade entry very welcoming. What do you think? What do you think the entry of this building will take you to? Or what type of activity this building/ space will have? Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.
Drawing With Surface Book 2 Tutorial #8: Experimenting SketchBook Software – Wavy Lines In Landscape
This is my very first experience of using SketchBook software on Surface Book 2. As you may know by now, previous 7 tutorials been experimented with Sketchable software and there have been some perfect and some not so “perfect” experiences. (Please visit video #4 for not so “perfect” experience here: Drawing With Surface Book 2 Tutorial #4: Two Hours Use Of This Computer – A Building Entrance https://youtu.be/0KNcmg7SRs0 ) I am still new experimenting but the very big difference between Sketchable and SketchBook softwares is the multi-touch support where I can use my fingers to pan, zoom move etc! on SketchBook BUT, angle was VERY sensitive in SketchBook where if I am trying to put the angle on 0 it would be so hard to take my fingers off the screen because as soon as I would, it would move to -1,-2 or 1. Please let me know in comments if you have the same problem. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.
Drawing With Surface Book 2 Tutorial #7: Bird’s Eye View Drawing – Hotel
The symmetry created in the volume and its reflection in the water resulted in the replication of a single form. This form is in U shape. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.
Drawing With Surface Book 2 Tutorial #6: Building Design
Use your imagination, skills and your design tools to create space. In this video I tried to think of “fun” spaces or maybe what kind of a building could be a “family centre” building. The combination use of forms, inside and out areas (atmosphere) can be a good way to spend time with family and have fun with kids. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.
Drawing With Surface Book 2 Tutorial #4: Two Hours Use Of This Computer – A Building Entrance
2:07 Blooper
This is a quick tutorial of a building entrance where we are looking at the building in perspective view. Using various forms to create this entrance was fun and easy to draw. Also while I was drawing I realised the surface of my computer was hot and actually slow connection with tip of the pen. This means when you draw or work with this computer for hours, you might experience same error as I experienced in this video. Not sure if this can be fixed or normal. Also remember that I am not searching or looking at any surface book 2 tutorials so all these videos are my honest and crystal clear feedback and experience. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.
Building Sketching Tutorial #7 : Draw With Vertical And Horizontal Surfaces
Drawing with vertical and horizontal surfaces gives you many chances. You do not have to think much, where and how to draw them just randomly draw these surfaces until you can see depth and form of a building. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.
Building Sketching Tutorial #6 : Concrete House
Concrete has very simple but unique texture. Use floating shapes in various directions to design outstanding modern villas. In this tutorial you can see and understand how to outline the building and then give it a sketchy look. If you are not confident to draw without ruler then use ruler, nothing is wrong with that Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.
Building Sketching Tutorial #5 : Architectural Spaces
Shapes have volumes and they create unique interior experiences. Mixing various shapes in architectural spaces is smart. These spaces are new and they bring excitement into houses. Looking at same tree or view from various atmosphere but in one place is fascinating. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.
Building Sketching Tutorial #4 : Mountain House
In these Building Sketching Tutorials I am quick and bringing my way of “thinking” of techniques and buildings on to paper. In fact in these tutorials we are trying to demonstrate how we should “think” and transfer our ideas to paper. There is no right or wrong way as we each have unique ways so feel free and be excited. Draw, Draw and Draw! Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.
Building Sketching Tutorial #3 : Modern Building Design
In this tutorial I tried my best to show you how sketchers make mistakes while sketching. It is always totally ok and fine to make mistakes and use your rubber to take it off the paper or even sometimes a mistake can become part of your drawing. If you are someone with many mistakes while drawing, it means you are so skilled and can see them, so keep going and have fun while drawing. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.
Building Sketching Tutorial #2 : Villa House
This tutorial is all about presentation of a villa house. Watch to the end to understand all the detailing on windows and corners. With these details you can communicate with interior atmosphere as well as exterior. Have fun learning!
Building Sketching Tutorial #1 : A Building Through Trees (Perspective)
Various shapes and forms can help us to sketch interesting forms of buildings. In this tutorial, the repetition of shapes and shading techniques helps the viewer to understand the depth of the Perspective drawing. Also it is always a great touch/ idea to sketch trees around buildings where they will emphasise the viewer to look through trees to see the sketched building! Great view!