There are many common mistakes that people or even Designers “sometimes” do make where is not obvious but it does effect our life style and every day living experience. They might be so simple but try learn and observe them in your own place and you will make a difference.
1- Many people think White or soft colours are the best choice to emphasise space or make the space bigger. This is not wrong but you do not have to make your ceiling white always you can choose colour more carefully and make your home especial.
2- Colours do have effects on our feelings and it is true that there is different atmosphere when a room is bright or it has dark features. It is interesting to know that Dark colours are not bad or wrong to choose for your bedroom, many doctors believe if a room has dark features or painted in warm tinned colours, sleeping/resting is more enjoyable.
3- Some people believe simple/elegant means just painting the walls in plain colours and use furnitures to make an atmosphere more welcoming, but it is strongly recommended to have feature walls and of course use designed wall papers to create more welcoming or happier life style.
4- White colours in Kitchen? Why?! It is so typical that al kitchen designers recommend you to use white colour for your kitchen, but it is important to know that the colours are used in your kitchen should be in harmony with your dining and quest room theme as they have direct connection in atmosphere and will make the house cosier if the colours or the theme is matching.
5- Colours do effect your life style but they do NOT describe your personality. It is strongly believed if you entre a house with bright colours it means people living inside are happier than a house with dark theme! WRONG! There are many more facts into colours, designing and decoration where it needs time and learning to understand them.
6- You CAN use a colour by it self in a room. Colours do not HAVE to be matched. Some times use of a furniture or even a decoration item in contrast is so exciting and nice.
7- Always learn about each colour you choose in your Interior, it is important to know that each colour has its own rules and understanding aspects in Interior Design.
8- If the left wall is brown the right wall HAVE TO BE brown? NOT always! do not try to always make everything the same and equal. If you understand Colours and the aspects behind them, you will use different shades or tones in colours in a room.
9- When decorating your space, do not just use day light to choose colours and furniture. This is a wrong approach that you need day light to see and feel the atmosphere of your home, why? Because you spend your day mostly at work and use your house and feel the atmosphere mostly in evening and night time, using table lamps! so make sure you understand the difference between lights and hours of sunlight.
10-It is recommended to use powerful or “Real” colours for kids bedroom not just light blue, green or pink! Many doctors believe it is strongly important that the atmosphere your kid is sleeping or playing as their room, they feel comfortable as they are always observing and learning. Use Dark blue or even Red!
Reference: Perini Tiles , Gus , Nicole Gelinas and Talilandau