Drawing With Surface Book 2 #17: 3 powerful ways to love yourself
My elevation view drawing of a building and 3 powerful ways I learned to love myself. This inspirational video will cover the process of the building drawing, spatial drawing, and why I believe having “me time” for yourself is very important. Hope you enjoy! Be sure to subscribe to my channel for more inspirational drawings here: https://www.youtube.com/designnconstruction Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave me comment as I love to read your thoughts.
Drawing With Surface Book 2 #16: Face Your Fears
My very first Halloween version of videos on Youtube. It is amazing how far I understand myself now and understand my own wants as soon as face my fears. I learned that fear can be controlled when you understand your wants in life. Do you know who you really are? Do you know what are your wants in life?
Drawing With Surface Book 2 #14: Happy Grateful Day
SURPRISE!! Yes I just felt today is the perfect day to come out of my comfort zone, record this voice over and say THANK YOU to you all for being here, I really do appreciate the people in my life and you all are included.
Drawing With Surface Book 2 #13: A Room And Our Mental Health
This might sound very simple but I learned that it is very important to know your everyday living space can have a big impact on your mental health. One of the main places we all live in is our house. Depending on which room in your house you spend the most of your time in, the colours, views, decoration and the overall area can make you feel free, relax and pumped or can trigger you to feel down, depressed or sad. This video shows just very few little elements where you can use to make sure your house is welcoming you when you enter in.
Tips (What worked for me the most): what works for me personally is unrestricted spaces where I feel more relaxed and happy. I think better in open with multi entries spaces.
Drawing With Surface Book 2 #12: I got inspired by Oprah Winfrey’s life
Facts that I learned reading about Oprah Winfrey’s life
2:24 – Fact 1 – I learned “Hope” has power.
3:04 – Fact 2 – I learned there are millions of ways to “God”.
3:39 – Fact 3 – I learned that “Happiness/Joy” is a choice.
4:41 – Fact 4 – I learned to align my “world/life” with my purpose.
What are the facts that you learned about her which made you “thinking” or kind of changed your life :)?
Drawing With Surface Book 2 #10: Meaning Of (Sky’s The Limit) To Me
I have been thinking about this for a while that what does “Sky’s The Limit” actually means? This gave me an inspiration to draw with a “message” and demonstrate some of the meanings of “Sky” to me. Freedom: Sky demonstrates freedom, where you need to know what “present” have for you and what “future” can bring for you. Knowing the answers can make you feel “free”. This can happen by daily work and doing the right thing! Reminds your “Past”: As Sky looks kind of the same in all the days of our life (no matter if you have good or bad day), it can actually reminds you, your past. Where for example you have surrounded yourself with the right people at the right time. Sky has NO Boundaries: This for me is like our mind, where there is truly no boundaries at all! We need to be mindful about our thoughts, what comes in or what “We” put in to our mind. Believing in yourself: The fact that you need to move your head “up” to see the sky (of-course depends on your physical situation if you are standing, lying down etc) reminds me to “chin up” and keep living the life of “kindness and love”. What does “Sky’s The Limit” means to you? Comment below or share with me your thoughts on my Instagram accounts.
Drawing With Surface Book 2 #9: Mix Of The Grace Hotel And Sydney Tower
What I like about The Grace Hotel is that it sits in corner of a street and has repetitive elements in its facade design. I drew the very top part of Sydney Tower on all top parts (Roof) of this hotel. The reason: As this hotel sits in the corner of the street, it has an amazing 3D view of the city. They offer a “romance night out” in their website and I believe if they had VIP rooms at the very top of their hotel, they could be one of the most coolest romance getaways of Sydney city What are you opinions? and do you know any cool romance night outs in Sydney? If yes please let me know!!
Drawing With Surface Book 2 Tutorial #8: Experimenting SketchBook Software – Wavy Lines In Landscape
This is my very first experience of using SketchBook software on Surface Book 2. As you may know by now, previous 7 tutorials been experimented with Sketchable software and there have been some perfect and some not so “perfect” experiences. (Please visit video #4 for not so “perfect” experience here: Drawing With Surface Book 2 Tutorial #4: Two Hours Use Of This Computer – A Building Entrance https://youtu.be/0KNcmg7SRs0 ) I am still new experimenting but the very big difference between Sketchable and SketchBook softwares is the multi-touch support where I can use my fingers to pan, zoom move etc! on SketchBook BUT, angle was VERY sensitive in SketchBook where if I am trying to put the angle on 0 it would be so hard to take my fingers off the screen because as soon as I would, it would move to -1,-2 or 1. Please let me know in comments if you have the same problem. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.
Drawing With Surface Book 2 Tutorial #7: Bird’s Eye View Drawing – Hotel
The symmetry created in the volume and its reflection in the water resulted in the replication of a single form. This form is in U shape. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.
Drawing With Surface Book 2 Tutorial #6: Building Design
Use your imagination, skills and your design tools to create space. In this video I tried to think of “fun” spaces or maybe what kind of a building could be a “family centre” building. The combination use of forms, inside and out areas (atmosphere) can be a good way to spend time with family and have fun with kids. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.
Drawing With Surface Book 2 Tutorial #5: Commercial Travellers Building Drawing Of Martin Place
I am getting more comfortable using Sketchable application and Surface book 2 design tools. This drawing was fun and I enjoyed shading some parts in various colours, using drop colour at the right hand side of the application to re-use any colour I used through this drawing. This is getting more exciting and fun, I might experiment with other applications as some of you requested. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.
Drawing With Surface Book 2 Tutorial #4: Two Hours Use Of This Computer – A Building Entrance
2:07 Blooper
This is a quick tutorial of a building entrance where we are looking at the building in perspective view. Using various forms to create this entrance was fun and easy to draw. Also while I was drawing I realised the surface of my computer was hot and actually slow connection with tip of the pen. This means when you draw or work with this computer for hours, you might experience same error as I experienced in this video. Not sure if this can be fixed or normal. Also remember that I am not searching or looking at any surface book 2 tutorials so all these videos are my honest and crystal clear feedback and experience. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.
Drawing With Surface Book 2 Tutorial #3: Experimenting With Microsoft Surface Rendering Tools – Phillip Street
My first rendering experience with surface book 2, of course it is so enjoyable but at the same time I challenged my self and did not look any tutorials. I did not have any idea how to use rendering techniques, that is why I did not even know the easiest tools such as “zoom in” and “moving” the paper. Before starting this drawing I found the “hand” on left hand side of the Sketchable software, it is helping me so much. I can easily move and pan the paper with that tool. I really like the rendering tools on this computer because there are many options here to choose from and very easy to use. I am still learning about the movement and size of pen tip while rendering. Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.
Drawing With Surface Book 2 Tutorial #2: Draw Cubic House With H Pen Tip
This is my second attempt of using surface book 2 design tools. Straight after this sketch I asked my self: ” will I go back to normal paper and pen again?” It is very quick to undo, erase, redraw and actually very soft to draw on! As you all know by now I love drawing and I love drawing houses, so I thought why not give it a go with surface book 2! This was my first attempt of drawing not experimenting so it took me 3 papers (on surface book 2) to be able to draw this. The reason why it took me longer than normal paper is because the movement of the pen on surface book 2 is so slippery and very different with pen and texture of papers. I had to control the movement of my hand. I am LOVING this new experience! Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.
Drawing With Surface Book 2 Tutorial #1: Experimenting With Microsoft Surface Design Tools
This is my very first time working with Microsoft Surface design tools. In this video you can see and feel how these tools are working and how helpful they can be. I tried various line types and some hatching techniques such as cross hatching.
I am loving these tools and want to see how far I can go with them to actually sketch some views or maybe buildings? Please make sure to like this video if you learned something new! Share it if you believe someone else might learn something new either. Leave us comment as we love to read your thoughts, and as always Scratch to reality.