A well designed business card is a kind, that gives a company a good reputation and of course a good message. Have you ever though of making your own business card? If you have, the very first question is what impression you want to leave by your card, to anyone? Your business card is actually the first “look” of your company or what you are offering. Every significant professional business card, followed specific guide which are very important.
So, what does “Design” means when thinking of your business card?
It basically means, a “Design” can be good for a brand but not necessarily be appropriate for other brands. What I mean is, always start with inspiration and other ideas but do not ever copy or rush! Use ideas according to your style and your goal. To show you are professional, your design must be clean, simple and mainly, easy to understand. Some elements such as your chosen Font and background effects can communicate your company’s category or goal. Another element in a professional design is your attention to the colours you are using. Usually White or many empty spaces does give the reader space to understand and think what they are looking at. It is also important to read and know about colours, for example it might be interesting for you to know that White colour is the symbol of Purity and Purpose; But it is also important to understand that sometimes we want to move away from professional designs and be fun! Design a colourful business card but make sure you understand why you are designing and using the colours in the design. The next step is to be Creative! Now you have the main elements but being creative means how to use them. These steps will help you to make a card which has a sense of confidence and trust and it means you are a reliable person.
Who is your audience? Every card should contain the basic information such as your name, title, and type of activity you are offering. Make sure they are all updated and not wrong. You might also changed a phone number or address, its is very important that you do not use correction pens to change your main information as it will effect the look of your design and will leave a bad impression.
You can also visit Design N’ Construction Instagram page where our new range of business card is out and we are very happy with it. Also visit Vista Print website where you can find many ideas and steps of designing your own business card. Have Fun!
References from Instagram: Jukebox, Little Legends and Black Dog Press
Thanks for using my card as a good design model! Cheers, Holly c/o Little Legends
You have great profile!! Ur welcome
Honored that you used my new business scard as an example! However it’s Black Dog Press not Black Fog Press. Thanks for updating!
Carolyn Sweeney
Hi, hope you are well. sure will do that. sorry for the late reply I was badly sick last few days! Have a great day